(Personal Project)

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My personal site, Focus is on the strange things I find interesting on the internet, with emphasis on Japanese news that doesn’t quite make it internationally due to obscurity.

  • Photoshop: Creating the blog template, resizing images
  • WordPress: My favorite platform to work with, as I’ve been using it since 2007
  • Most of the HTML/CSS was edited in either Notepad++, and bug testing with either Google Chrome (Inspect Element)
Categories Web

ウォータージャパン | Water Japan

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Complete redesign of the Water Japan website and integration of an ecommerce shop.

Client Request: website was outdated and needed a refresh.

Website: switched from pure HTML to WordPress for easier management and responsive design support.
Ecommerce: transitioned shop from external partner service to inhouse via WooCommerce for more control over pages and to reduce costs. Integrated Amazon Pay so that Amazon customers can use their credentials for easy checkout.
Localization: website is available in Japanese and English (not machine translated).

Software Used: WordPress, Photoshop, Illustrator

Visit here, or see screenshots below:

魚商ばってん | Fishmonger Batten

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Zoomable image galleries, Instagram feed, and contact form on one page for a local business. A WooCommerce shop is also available for online purchases.

  • Photoshop: Design and layout
  • Illustrator: convert logo to vector
  • Software: WordPress, WooCommerce

Visit site here, or view screenshot below:

Hotel New Century

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Localized text and graphics from Japanese to English for Hotel New Century. Didn’t have access to original files, so recreated most from scratch via Photoshop.

The site has been updated since then. I also edited parts of the new site, such as English text and minor visual tweaks.

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Categories Web